
Purpose of the Pacific International Competition
Bringing Asia together through music

Classical music, which has a history of several hundred years, has been inherited mainly as European culture and has been recognized around the world. The Pacific International Piano Competition was established with the aim of producing world-class performers from Asia as a bridge connecting Asia with classical music, a culture that originated in Europe.

The Pacific International Piano Competition, which is scheduled to be held for the first time in August 2024, will start the introduction in 2023, the year before. The qualifying rounds will be held in Japan, South Korea and Singapore. About 50 people will advance to the final round. Entries will be divided into divisions for 16 to 30 year olds, 10 to 15 year olds, and 31 and older divisions, providing a wide range of challenges.

Looking at Asia, when focusing on the piano among classical music, Japan can be said to be a developed country in Asia, with many learners and instructors. On the other hand, South Korea and Singapore, which will be the venues for the preliminary rounds this time, are still in the development stage. Through this competition, we believe that it will lead to exchanges between performers and instructors who are studying in Asia, improve their level, and expand their playing field.

Bringing Asia together through music. From 2024, the history will be carved.

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