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H2:Lorem Ipsum

Score processing involved the counting of ascending and descending chromatic intervals, note duration and meta-information tagging. Score processing involved the counting of ascending and descending chromatic intervals, note duration and meta-information tagging.

H3:Lorem Ipsum

Music Classification is a particular area of Computational Musicology that provides valuable insights about the evolving of composition patterns and assists in catalogue generation. Although research is still at its earliest beginnings, the work already provides valuable contributes to symbolic music representation process-ing and subsequent analysis. Score processing involved the counting of ascending and descending chromatic intervals, note duration and meta-information tagging.

H4:Lorem Ipsum

Score processing involved the counting of ascending and descending chromatic intervals, note duration and meta-information tagging. Score processing involved the counting of ascending and descending chromatic intervals, note duration and meta-information tagging.

H2:Lorem Ipsum

Music Classification is a particular area of Computational Musicology that provides valuable insights about the evolving of composition patterns and assists in catalogue generation. Although research is still at its earliest beginnings, the work already provides valuable contributes to symbolic music representation process-ing and subsequent analysis. Score processing involved the counting of ascending and descending chromatic intervals, note duration and meta-information tagging.

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